CNC Intel Reviews: Cybersecurity Guide

“There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be.” – Robert Mueller.

Cybersecurity is a necessity these days for organizations and individuals. It may be inconvenient to some, but the consequences the lack of proper cybersecurity measures can cause are potentially much more inconvenient. In our CNC Intelligence reviews, we have always insisted on the importance of cybersecurity. Now, it’s time to take a more detailed look at it.

What do we mean by cybersecurity? Above everything, cybersecurity is about protection. It helps people and organizations protect:

  • Data, including personal, business, and financial information
  • Privacy, on both individual and organizational levels
  • The ability to run a business by preventing disruptive DDoS attacks, etc.
  • Intellectual property rights that online criminals will readily infringe
  • The reputation that forms the backbone of trust between organizations and their clients
  • Stability that can crumble on the level of entire economies when cyber threats go unaddressed
  • An organization’s compliance and other legal obligations

In a continuously evolving technological landscape, new threats emerge all the time. Proactive cybersecurity keeps pace with the changes and emerging threats, defusing them before they can cause problems. Individuals and organizations that grow complacent about cybersecurity risk expose themselves to new threats.

In this comprehensive CNC Intel review, we discuss the cybersecurity essentials all individuals should know and understand. The more you know in this regard, the better you can avoid the multitude of existing and emerging cyber threats.

CNC Intel Reviews of Cybersecurity Solutions

Password Strength

We use passwords to protect our accounts, data, and other online resources from the prying eyes of cybercriminals. Hackers love to target passwords to get what they want. The stronger your password, the better it will hold up against attempts to crack it. How do we define a strong password? Several factors determine how easy or difficult it is to crack a password.

  • Length. The longer the password, the more complex it can be.
  • Complexity. Using upper and lower case letters in your passwords, together with special characters, makes them tougher to guess.
  • Unpredictability. Hackers are masters of making unlikely connections. Using your birth year as part of your password is a bad idea.
  • Uniqueness. Try not to reuse passwords across multiple accounts.
  • Lack of intelligible words. Dictionary words are easier for hackers to guess than unintelligible strings of letters.
  • Randomness. Randomly generated passwords are some of the strongest.
  • Being free of personal information and patterns.

Through our CNC Intel reviews, we aim to empower our readers with actionable knowledge. To generate strong passwords, you can use an online password generator like Norton or Some password managers like 1password and Bitwarden also include password-generating capabilities.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication requires additional authentication factors to go with a password. The person who enters the correct password may also have to enter a PIN code from an email message sent to the address associated with the account. Some methods may require three or more authentication factors.

The additional authentication factors require users to provide information about:

  • Something they are
  • Something they possess
  • Something they know
  • Something concerning their location

Multi-factor authentication can be two-factor (the most common), three-factor, biometric, and time/location-based authentication.

To set up MFA, access the account you want to secure, go to settings, and enable MFA or 2FA. Choose an MFA method, save your changes, and you’re set. Verify your MFA setup and save your recovery information if possible. Keep your eyes on our CNC Intelligence reviews for fresh information about how you can use MFA optimally.

Authentication Apps

Authentication apps generate one-time codes for you for 2FA purposes. Once you install and configure these apps, they generate random codes for you, even when you’re offline. Many work locally, so they don’t need an internet connection.

Google Authenticator is an example of an authentication app. Other examples may be LastPass, Authy, and Microsoft Authenticator.

In our reviews, we compare authentication apps to other MFA methods. Apps tend to be more secure and work better than other methods. In addition to working offline, they are more secure, as they don’t send their codes through an SMS or other channels susceptible to interception.

Many of these apps can handle MFA duties for multiple accounts. And many services support authentication apps.

Keeping Up-to-Date with Security Education

Cybersecurity is not a one-and-done deal. Cybercrime threats closely shadow the evolution of technology. As new technology surfaces, criminals immediately try to hijack it for nefarious purposes.

Those who don’t keep themselves educated about emerging threats to cybersecurity won’t be able to keep their data safe in the near future.

We aim to deliver updated security education through our CNC Intel reviews. Our blog posts reflect our concerns as well as the latest expertise about quickly evolving cyber threats and the measures that can counter them.

Staying Informed on Alerts

Timely information on security threats allows individuals and organizations to take relevant anti-fraud measures on time. By reacting promptly, they can protect their data better, minimize the downtime resulting from cybercrime, fulfill their legal obligations, manage their reputations optimally, and reduce the impact and cost of the potential damage.

As showcased in our CNC Intelligence reviews, the best sources for early cybersecurity threat alerts are threat intelligence platforms, device and software vendors’ platforms, RSS feeds, and Government agencies. Individuals are responsible for identifying the information sources they can trust in this respect.

How one can subscribe to a cybersecurity threat information source depends on the nature of the source.

Windows, Mac, and Android Updates and Patches

Security vulnerabilities are among the reasons why software vendors release patches and updates from time to time. These updates address the newest known vulnerabilities of the system. By downloading and installing them on your Windows, Mac, or Android devices, you ensure you are optimally protected against known attacks.

Through our CNC Intel reviews and resources, we have always stressed the importance of regularly updating your devices.

If you have a Windows device, you can access settings, update and security, Windows updates, and advanced options. From there, you can activate automatic updates by allowing your device to download updates automatically.

On a Mac, you can enable automatic software updates from the software update section of the system preferences menu.

On your Android device, you can open settings, system, and software updates.

Antivirus Software

Antivirus software can scan the files on your devices, looking for malware, trojans, key loggers, ransomware, and other hacking tools. Once it identifies an infection, a good antivirus can eliminate it, curbing the threat.

In our CNC Intelligence reviews of the best antivirus solutions, we have singled out a handful like Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky, and Bitdefender.

Device Security

In our reviews of device security, we have always stressed the importance of updated software, strong passwords, data encryption, VPN use, and antivirus solutions. These tenets of cyber security remain valid for all devices.

Laptop users may also want to use full disk encryption and strong BIOS passwords in addition to the above.

Tablet and smartphone users should enable device lock, only download apps from official sources, activate tracking features, limit app permissions, regularly update the OS, and secure their devices with additional passwords if using them as personal hotspots.

Users should also consider physical security measures like biometrics and secure boot.

Changing WiFi Credentials

Updating your WiFi access data is an additional security measure that can prevent hackers from using your WiFi for nefarious activities. You can update your access data annually or more often as needed. Don’t forget to let authorized users know about the changes.

In our CNC Intel reviews about WiFi security, we recommend that you change your WiFi credentials after a security incident, change of personnel, or a security update.

Simply connect to your router, access its web address (most often, log into the router, go to wireless settings, and change the network name and WiFi password. Save, exit, and reconnect to the WiFi with the new credentials.

Caution with Public WiFi

In our CNC Intelligence reviews about WiFi security, we have always called attention to the risks of public WiFi networks. Attackers can use public WiFi to conduct phishing attacks, data sniffing, eavesdropping, malware distribution, and password theft.

Make your device “forget” public networks to avoid connecting to them automatically. Use cellular data instead of WiFi if your only other option is a public network. Update your software, enable your firewalls, and use a VPN if you must connect to public WiFi.

Regular Backups

Backing up your files regularly can save you much trouble. In our reviews about cybersecurity, we have defined several benefits of regular data backups. Regular backups can allow you to recover your data after an attack. They can protect you against ransomware and accidental data deletion. With your data backed up, you can rest assured that no hackers or natural disasters can interfere with your online activities.

You can use portable drives, USB flash drives, Windows or MacOS backup options, remote server backups, and cloud backups, among other options.

Dangers of Cloud Backups

When storing your data on a cloud, you give up control over it to some degree. Through our cybersecurity-focused CNC Intel reviews, we have identified other problems with cloud backups.

  • Unauthorized access
  • Data breaches
  • Service downtimes
  • Costs
  • Internet connectivity problems
  • Legal issues
  • Data encryption
  • Accidental deletion

To avoid such problems, monitor your cloud backups regularly. Use strong passwords and encrypt your data. Choose reputable cloud storage service providers.

Data Protection and Encryption

Data encryption can help you protect your sensitive data by turning it into an unintelligible jumble of nonsense using algorithms and encryption keys. Using the right encryption keys, you can decrypt your data and turn it back into a readable format.

In our CNC Intel reviews, we aim to give you actionable information and tips. Regarding data encryption, here’s how you can encrypt your data to protect it from prying eyes:

  • Windows and MacOS have built-in encryption tools called BitLocker and FileVault, respectively.
  • You can use third-party encryption tools like 7-Zip, AES Crypt, or Symantec Endpoint Encryption.
  • Many cloud storage providers offer encryption options.
  • VPNs encrypt your internet traffic.

Dangers of Social Engineering and Phishing

Social engineering is manipulation involving various psychological twists. The people engaging in social engineering can appeal to loyalties and greed or offer solutions to problems to compel people to give them money or divulge sensitive data.

In our reviews, we have dissected and analyzed many social engineering techniques.

Phishing is a form of social engineering relying on online communication methods like email and instant messaging. Criminals engaging in phishing pretend to represent a bank, an institution, or another form of legitimate authority to trick their victims.

All forms of social engineering look to get money or information leading to financial benefits from you. Regardless of their level of sophistication, they must always reveal these goals in one form or another.

Verification of Sender’s Authenticity

To avoid falling victim to phishing and social engineering attacks, you must learn how to verify email sender authenticity. We have covered this subject thoroughly in the resources we provide, and CNC Intelligence reviews. Here’s what you can do:

  • Examine the email address and double-check the domain.
  • Exercise extra caution with unsolicited emails.
  • Verify the content of the email.
  • Educate yourself about popular email scams.
  • Always run a search on everything suspicious to see if others have complained about similar email traps.
  • Hover over links before clicking them and check where they lead.
  • Pay attention to details.


Cybersecurity is not something anyone can afford to neglect these days. If you do so, you willingly expose yourself to inevitable harm.

Never settle for a modicum of cybersecurity measures. Be proactive about your protection. Educate yourself about the newest threats and the preventive measures you can take against them.

Do not hesitate to implement the measures discussed in these CNC Intel reviews. Check our cybersecurity-focused CNC Intelligence reviews regularly and take action for your protection.

We offer complimentary consultations to determine if our Asset Tracing, Recovery Assistance, and Intelligence Services suit your case.

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  1. Amy Atwood

    This sounds great. I’ve been begging anyone to help me since March. I’ve been locked out of four computers of mine, three iPhones, govt phones and prepaid ones. I’ve not just been hacked, I’ve been spyed on, emails deleted, stole, fb, instagram, google, lots and lots more. They have made me cry so much and feel completely like an animal more or less. They stole from me PayPal, started a business in my name and made me an employer id number without asking, they have done so so much. SIM card swapping, it’s like I have my phone but it’s not mine it’s logged in family links and they always trying get my money I have nothing really left I had two trump black digital cards and they was 200 each 10,000 coins you can trade for crypto and they have stolen my bank accounts and wrote so many checks n my name through multiple banks they have made it to where my mom is vulnerable and doesn’t think they in her phone they are though. They control our door bell and chromescast tv it’s ridiculous. I need help no one will help me please

    • Admin

      Dear Amy,

      I’m profoundly sorry to hear about the extensive challenges and distress you’ve been experiencing. Your situation sounds incredibly tough, and I want you to know that your voice is heard here.

      CNC Intelligence specializes in cyber intelligence and investigations. While we don’t recover money directly, we assist law enforcement and law firms with asset and fund recovery efforts by providing necessary evidence and support.

      Here are some steps you might consider:

      1. Contacting Law Enforcement: If you haven’t already, consider reporting the extensive hacking and fraudulent activities you’ve experienced to your local law enforcement agency.

      2. Professional Consultation: You may want to reach out to professionals specializing in cybersecurity and legal support to help navigate your unique situation effectively.

      3. Protecting Personal Information: Try to ensure that your remaining accounts and personal information are secure to prevent further malicious activities. Changing passwords and enabling two-factor authentication where possible could be beneficial.

      4. Reach Out to Us: If you believe our services align with your needs, feel free to get in touch with us. We are here to listen and provide support where we can, aligning with our expertise in cyber investigations and intelligence.

      Remember, you’re not alone in this, and there are professionals and organizations ready to support you through this challenging time.

  2. Sean Davis

    Hey there,
    My name is Sean Davis and I came across CNC after being scammed twice from a scammer on Fiverr ( yes the reputable freelance site…fiverr) and Facebook. I was prey to recovery scam business and a sales commission business. Both associates from these companies told me false information and managed to manipulate and scam me out of $1800 altogether. I tried to contact my bank and the payment service that process my payment but unfortunately I was unsuccessful because they did the transaction permissable. But this week I decided not to give up as I was searching for scam recovery businesses. I came across CNC and filled out an inquiry statement. I received a call from them in no less than 24 hrs, and the call I had was very rewarding. Mitchell was very professional and mostly,
    Reassuring!!!.. He listened and was very heartfelt and compassionate about my situation. I must say I felt like I received the funds already because of the hope and professional advice and demeanor he displayed, it meant a lot because nobody likes sharing the story of how gullible they were to get scammed or how they became victim to a scam but…. It’s true when they say ” a half problem told, is a half problem solved “. Thanks CNC. Keep up the good work!!!🙌.


  3. Sean Davis

    Don’t let fear, doubt or shame keep you from getting the assistance you need. Try CNC, they are here to listen, instruct and recover.
    Thank you CNC, for restoring my faith in humanity and independent business.


    • Admin

      Dear Sean,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with CNC Intelligence. We are deeply touched by your words and grateful for the trust you placed in us during such a challenging time. Hearing that our team, especially Mitchell, provided you with reassurance and professional support reaffirms our commitment to delivering compassionate and effective service to those affected by cybercrime and scams.

      Your story is a powerful reminder of why we do what we do – to restore faith, not just in humanity, but in the possibility of justice in the digital world. We’re thrilled to have been a part of your journey towards recovery and are heartened to know that our efforts made a significant impact.

      Please know that we’re here for you and others who might find themselves in similar situations. Your feedback helps us continuously improve and inspires us to keep fighting the good fight against cybercrime and financial fraud.

      Thank you once again for your kind words and for choosing CNC Intelligence.

      Warm regards,
      Ben Fedorov
      CNC Intelligence Team

  4. Vance

    Customer service representative that reached out was. Clear and concise on the steps I needed to take. I have hope that they will solve this issue.

  5. Vance

    I recently had been scammed out of money but a company representing a job. It all started off good and it seemed I was making money but then they kept asking for more and more deposits to receive money I had already earned. By that point I just wanted my money back. They could keep the money earned. I went through the original company my bank. All not very helpful. Thank you Cnc for your time and hardwork!

    • Admin

      Hello Vance,

      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. It is unfortunate to hear about the situation you’ve been through with the fraudulent job company. Scammers often pressure people into making more deposits with the promise of earnings that never materialize, and it can be a very stressful experience.

      We appreciate your kind words regarding our customer service, and we are committed to maintaining clear and concise communication throughout our investigative process. We aim to offer hope and professional assistance in such challenging situations, and our team is ready to support you to the best of our ability.

      Kind regards,
      The CNC Intelligence Inc. Team

  6. R Lester Makang

    I submitted an enquiry regarding loss of my money to a fake token exchange platform/website and have just received an acknowledgement from CNC client services team informing that a ticket has been created. Reading all the positive reviews above, I’m very optimistic that I have finally found the right place where I can find solution to my problem. Since the incident of losing all of my hard-earned money to the fake trading platform in February’s last week, I had contacted saveral recovery agents. However, all of them turned out to be another kind of scammers. One of them who claimed to be an expert and promised me of recovery, rather made me ended up losing more money. While I had lost faith in any recovery agents or firms, I’m glad that I have found CNC which I hope will help me out of my current miserable situation.

    • Admin

      Dear R Lester Makang,

      Thank you for contacting CNC Intelligence Inc. and sharing your experience with us. We’re truly sorry to hear about the challenges you’ve faced in your pursuit of recovering your lost funds. It’s distressing to learn about your encounters with fake recovery agents, and we understand the frustration and despair such experiences can bring.

      At CNC Intelligence, we are committed to providing genuine support and expertise in cryptocurrency forensic investigations. Our approach is rooted in professionalism, integrity, and a deep understanding of asset recovery’s complexities. We are not in the business of making false promises; instead, we focus on delivering actionable intelligence and tailored solutions to effectively assist our clients.

      We value your trust in CNC Intelligence in these challenging times. Please rest assured that we are here to support you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact our client services team.

      Warm regards,

      The CNC Intelligence Inc. Team

  7. Marco

    Extraordinary services, the operator responded almost instantly and I felt an extraordinary interest in solving my problem. True professionals.

    • Admin

      Hi Marco,

      Thank you for your kind words. We’re thrilled to hear that our team was able to respond promptly and provide the professional assistance you needed. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing to offer exceptional service.

      Best regards,
      The CNC Intelligence Team

  8. Maria Catalanotto

    I had a fantastic experience with this company, and I can’t recommend them enough. From the very start, they were kind, understanding, and incredibly transparent with me. They took the time to explain everything clearly and gave me the honest truth about my situation, which I really appreciated.

    What stood out the most was their responsiveness. Whenever I had a question, they were quick to reply and made sure I felt supported throughout the entire process. They even took the extra step of warning me about other companies that were pretending to offer the same services but were actually just looking to scam people. It really made me feel like they had my best interests at heart.

    If you’re looking for a company that values honesty, professionalism, and customer care, this is the one. I will definitely be working with them again in the future!

    • Admin

      Hi Maria,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to share your experience with us! We are thrilled to hear that our team’s transparency, responsiveness, and dedication made a positive impact. Your trust means everything to us, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to assist you.

      It’s especially rewarding to know that our warnings about potential scams helped protect you from harm—your safety and satisfaction are always our top priorities.

      We look forward to working with you again in the future and are always here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance!

      Warm regards,
      The CNC Intelligence Team

    • David K. Stephens

      Looking for update on the progress on my case. Thank you 😊

  9. Parrish Azali

    I have been searching for months for a legitimate crypto asset and account recovery team, that didn’t seem like or was not itself a scam. If you’ve searched for one yourself you know what I mean when I say it’s not difficult, it seems impossible. That’s what I truly felt until I finished my initial consultation with CNC intelligence today. I spoke to a girl with excellent customer service named Georgia first, told her my problem, even got cut off because of bad phone reception in my area, which she called me back immediately, and set me up with an appointment. Almost an hour before the appointment I got a call from a gentlemen named Simon who told me the schedule was a little tight so if I had time he could discuss my case then or reschedule. I opted for the early appointment and thank God I did because after answering his questions regarding my case and discussing my situation with Simon he actually gave me some options that I haven’t heard and I’m positive I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. Most importantly he gave me hope where I was ready to give up. Simon and his team were swift to respond to my request for help, yet thorough when combing through the details of my situation and describing the tactics his team and eventually law enforcement would employ in a very real possibility of recovering my account and the assets it contains. I understand that dealing with cryptocurrency is a risk especially as it’s still not regulated and I’ve been almost convinced by anyone I talked to that I should just accept it as a loss and move on, but Simon listened, was very understanding of my situation, and took the time to assess and provide the possible solutions for my case.

    • Admin

      Thank you for sharing your experience, Parrish. We’re thrilled to hear that Georgia and Simon were able to assist you with professionalism and care. We understand how challenging it can be to navigate cryptocurrency recovery, and providing hope and viable solutions is what drives us. Your trust in our team means a lot, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you have any further questions or updates, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  10. Patrick Flynn

    This company saved my but I was down and out and got desperate and stupid. I couldn’t believe it but these criminals latch on to a legit company, but they are not thankfully Ben really got on the ball. I have a bad shoulder and really bad hearing it gets hard sometimes but always try to remain positive thank you CNC
    Patrick Flynn

    • Admin

      Dear Patrick,

      Thank you for your kind words! We’re glad we could assist you during a tough time. Your experience highlights the importance of staying vigilant against scammers who impersonate legitimate companies.

      If you ever need further assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Stay positive and take care!

      CNC Intelligence

  11. Darren Grayson

    Thank you very for investigating my case against free of charge thank you so much

    • Admin

      Hi Darren,

      Thank you for your kind words! We’re glad we could assist you with your case against at no cost. Our goal is to help people like you navigate these difficult situations. If you need any further assistance or updates regarding your case, feel free to reach out.

      Best regards,
      CNC Intelligence

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